Several situations require system reinstallation#
My VPS is cluttered with a lot of things and I want to restore it.
There is a conflict between the things installed on my VPS before and the things I want to install now. Installation cannot proceed.
My VPS has been invaded and turned into a mining machine, running at full load.
I want to try other versions of BBR, but currently the ARM version will still lose connection.
More pure and stable.
Update software packages to ensure smooth installation#
Check the current system version cat /etc/issue
Update software packages
apt-get update
apt-get install -y xz-utils openssl gawk file
DD new system#
DD system means reinstalling the system: the following represents resetting the system to Ubuntu 18.04, with the account/password: root/12345
Note: Be patient during the DD process and do not perform random operations such as restarting in the background, as it may cause disconnection. Please wait patiently for 10-30 minutes.
bash <(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- '') -u 18.04 -v 64 -a -firmware -p 12345
-d: Debian system version options: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
-u: Ubuntu system version options: [14.04, 16.04, 18.04, 20.04]
-p: Password
Change the password for the root user (skip this step if you don't want to change it)#
If you want to change the password for the root user, you can enter the following command. The password will not be displayed when entered, but you can blindly type it in. Enter it twice!
Install BBR#
Before installing BBR on this system, run the following command
apt update -y && apt install -y curl && apt install -y socat && apt install wget -y
Then run the BBR PLUS script
wget -N --no-check-certificate "" && chmod +x && ./
After running the command, the BBR script will automatically run. It is recommended to install BBR PLUS and select: 2
Then restart and execute ./
and select: 7 to start BBRPlus acceleration
Finally, execute ./
and select: 10 and then restart the VPS.
Disconnection recovery#
Assuming you didn't see the above notes and the DD process is disconnected, it may also be caused by other reasons. That is, you cannot connect to your server via SSH and you need to recover it.
The principle of recovery is: the server data is stored in the Oracle disk, which is the default 50G disk. This disk can be detached, mounted, and data can be reset. It can be understood as your U disk, which can be unplugged, reset the system on another computer, and then plug it back in.
1. Create a backup instance#
Find another new instance with the same account; if not, create a free AMD one.
SSH connection, then execute sudo -i to enter root;
2. Detach the disconnected instance disk#
Stop the disconnected instance: note that it is stop, not terminate, it needs to be mounted later
Detach the boot volume
3. Mount the disconnected instance boot volume to the backup instance#
Backup instance -> Attached block storage
Select the detached disconnected boot volume, type ISCSI, and access read and write
ISCSI needs to execute the mount separation command on the host. Here, copy the link command first, and use the separation command later
Open the backup instance SSH and enter the copied connection command
4. DD additional disk#
Note: This system is a simplified Debian system by the original author, mainly for quick recovery of disconnection; if you need other systems after the disconnection is restored, you can use a script to re-DD
1. Download the image:#
# ARM recovery package
cd /root && wget
2. DD system: gzip -dc /root/dabian.sdb.gz | dd of=/dev/sdb
3. Open a new SSH window#
sudo -i
watch -n 5 pkill -USR1 ^dd$
Then go back to this window and you will find that DD is in progress. Just wait until the progress is complete. This DD needs to copy 3.2G of data.
5. DD is complete, detach the additional disk of the backup instance -> mount it as the boot disk of the disconnected instance#
1. Detach the additional disk, execute the separation command in step 3-3, and detach it in the console#
2. Go back to the disconnected instance-boot volume and attach it back to the backup#
3. Start up and use the account/password: root/ to log in to the instance.#
Other Oracle systems can be accessed, but Ubuntu 20 cannot be accessed#
Before installing Baota on Ubuntu, you need to disable the firewall or clear the firewall rules
sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -F
sudo apt-get purge netfilter-persistent
// Or you can delete the rules and then restart:
rm -rf /etc/iptables/rules.v4
rm -rf /etc/iptables/rules.v6
You can use the following command to add corresponding rules to allow the port
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport port to be allowed -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport port to be allowed -j ACCEPT
Keep-alive script#
bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate
Vmess one-click script#
apt update && apt install -y expect wget && wget -N && wget -N && bash
V2Ray based on Nginx vmess+ws+tls one-click installation script
wget -N --no-check-certificate -q -O "" && chmod +x && bash